In the specialized field of teaching singing, the tradition of a supervised practical application is, unfortunately, not the norm. This important aspect of teacher training to become an effective voice teacher is crucial. Whether you are a new or more experienced voice teacher, I will design a supervised practicum centered around your individual needs. This practicum will help guide you toward a structured approach to assessing what you hear in your students and then devising a strategy of vocal exercises to guide them in becoming efficient and artistic singers. This teacher training is scheduled in person or online and can include a single session or a series. Your private sessions will be highly customizable!
Voice Teacher Private Practicum
Schedule a private session for a customized practicum!
Rate: Structured on an individual basis
Voice Teacher Practicum Courses
Register for a practicum course with limited participants!
In the specialized field of teaching singing, the tradition of a supervised practical application is, unfortunately, not the norm. This important aspect of teacher training to become an effective voice teacher is crucial. The online courses will be taught with a select group of voice teachers to experience a supervised practicum on effective teaching practices. The course will be interactive and introduce a systematic approach to voice lessons, teacher takeaways for application, group discussion of teaching approaches. It will provide a structured approach to assessing what you hear and devising strategies to efficient and artistic. The course will be highly customizable, depending on the needs of the select group of voice teachers.
Rate: Course Dependent